All You Ever Wanted to Know about Wayward Girls' Crafts

Hello all you newcomers! Today we're participating in Blogelina's 100 Blog Comment Event. We wanted to tell you a little bit about Wayward Girls' Crafts as well as keep our faithful followers (hi guys!) entertained by letting you in on new information. Here we go!

Who are we?
We are four sisters and a mom who love to create. Jordan, Jaime, Brooke, Jasmine and Mom/Diana. We're Wayward and we know it. 

Front row: Brooke, Jordan, Jasmine, Jaime
Back row: Mom/Diana and Dad (Wayward, but not a Girl) 

Why "Wayward"?
The term Wayward Girls comes from a silly answering machine message from long ago. We applied it to our crafting method when we started our blog last year. What's so wayward about it? We are willing to tackle projects without really having a back-up plan and without really knowing what we're doing. We are up for trying to recreate something we've seen elsewhere and without a pattern. We're open with the mistakes we make along the way and we're happy about it. Check out more about waywardness here.

Photobucket Getting to know Just Jaime: Why did you all start Wayward Girls' Crafts?

Early last year I started exploring crafting blogs as I researched ideas for a baby shower for Brooke. I discovered a whole niche of blogs I never really thought about before. The wheels in my head started turning. I wanted to have a craft blog, but I knew the responsibility of posting every day (and having that many crafts completed!) was too much. I decided to invite my sisters and mom to craft too. It has become something that has helped us keep in touch and bond. It's always fun to have a project amongst a group of women and I love what we've done with it. I'll never regret starting WGC.

Jaime's favorite crafts (pictures are clickable!):  
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Photobucket Getting to know Jasmine: What's a fun crafting memory you have of the Wayward Girls crafting together?

A fun memory I have of crafting with my sisters and mom (other than giving Barbies make-overs) would be when we had a crafting extravaganza with our aunts as well one Christmas season many years ago. We all brought crafting ideas and made a bunch of crafts. Most of them were ornaments. It was fun to bring together a whole lot of ideas, teach one another about a craft, learn from one another, and most importantly enjoy what we were doing. 

Jasmine's favorite crafts (pictures are clickable!):
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Photobucket Getting to know Jordan: What's been the most useful thing you've learned from writing WGC?

To embrace the Waywardness! Like a lot of people, I can get so caught up in trying to do things perfectly, especially on the first try. My crafts--and my life--aren't perfect. Sometimes it feels like they go awry or fall short of my expectations more often than not. But blogging about my crafts has helped me to celebrate the failures as well as the successes, and given me the courage to keep going my own "wayward" way through life.

Jordan's favorite crafts (pictures are clickable!):

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Photobucket Getting to know Mom/Diana What do you get out of blogging?

I get so much! I enjoy that I'm kind of forced to be creative every week. I enjoy crafting but don't always spend my time that way. Because we all rely on each other, blogging together, I know I have to hold up my end of the deal to all our loyal readers. I really love what I've been able to create and share, and I love when people comment on something I've created, and I get to say, "Thanks, I made it myself!"

Mom/Diana's favorite crafts (pictures are clickable!):

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Photobucket Getting to know Brave Brooke: What do you like best about Wayward Girls' Crafts?
The thing that I love most about Wayward Girls' Crafts is there is no illusion that I'm perfect. We try to help our readers feel that we make mistakes and we make the best out of them. It is okay when things don't go exactly as we planned and sometimes they don't work at all. 

Brooke's favorite crafts (pictures are clickable!):

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So how do you get to be Wayward too? You can follow Wayward Girls' Crafts with Google Friend Connect or RSS Feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or join us on Saturdays for Wayward Weekend, a link up party for crafts and recipes. Thanks so much for stopping by!


penguinsandladybugs said...

Once upon a time, I was crafty and embraced that part of me and my creativity. Not sure where or how I "lost it" but I've been trying to regain it because my 15 year old daughter is a bit crafty, and I'd love for us to have things we do together! I love the "Wayward" slant you have on the idea...

Robin said...

It sounds like you are having a lot of fun working together. That's so great! I really liked the post about altering clothes while you're wearing them. I hadn't thought of substituting clothespins for sewing pins and have been putting off the alterations until someone will help me. I think I'll alter that last dress I bought at the thrift shop tonight!

Robin said...

I forgot to mention.... I write I hope you'll stop by!

Laurel Regan said...

You guys must have so much fun together - what a great idea! Really enjoyed reading about your group and seeing the photos - inspiring!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I love it that you are all blogging together. My sister and I blog together and it's been such fun doing that with her. I love your craft projects. I enjoy crafting although I am definitely not a creative person. I can copy other people's ideas, but that's about it.

Unknown said...

What a fun blog! I can't wait to check out some of your "wayward" crafts. I love that you involve the whole family!

Viva said...

Love it! I absolutely had to bookmark your site after reading your post. Your pics in your header are hilarious and great. Can't wait to start crafting. ;)
-Viva, from

Millie said...

How fun! I used to do crafts and I'm not really sure why I stopped. Reading this post makes me think I should revisit crafting.

mymothermode said...

There's nothing quite like a daughter to get you back into crafting....for me, anyway (the boys enjoy playdough & drawing, but my daughter wants doll clothes & such!) I've learned that "wayward" crafting works when you have younger children and must craft quickly before little hands discover the project!

Hopkins family said...

I love that you are crafty and that you work with your family on this blog. It is such a good way to stay together through life.

Katy said...

I love the tag line "we make bad look good". How fun to all be doing this together. I'm not crafty, but I appreciate your down-to-earth attitude about it and wish you all luck! Looks like you are on your way to a faithful following. :)

Adelina Priddis said...

I'm so glad I got to see your blog today! I've got a bunch of crafty sisters, but we don't really craft together :( I may need to schedule a yearly craft date with them now.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, I'm simply a tear down type of person. couldn't create a craft to save my soul..

Shabby Chic Mom said...

so glad to stop by your blog. how wonderful to have a blog and craft with your mom and sisters.
I love craft blogs because I am not crafty and need direction!

Anonymous said...

It's so great that you were able to make this a family affair. You are never at a loss for ideas or projects to share with your fans!

Kangaroo Mama said...

How fun is that to craft with your sisters and your mom! I can't wait to check out all the things you guys have crafted together!

It's nice "meeting" you through Blogelina's Comment Tour! Hope you'll stop by mine (I'm #113 on the list):

Tracy said...

So nice to learn more about all of you and how you came about.
I love that you are all so close this blog helps you with that :)

Jill said...

Nice to learn a little more about you talented ladies! You always have such great crafting ideas here - and I love that it's a way you can all stay in touch and share something too!

Unknown said...

Hello Wayward Girls!

I like the way you approach crafting. It is the same way I do, with no back up plan and no idea what I am doing. Many time I just jump in.

It is great that are all working together here to blog and work together. Blogging may be your biggest wayward craft, you never know where it will take you.

Visiting from Blogelina.


Clarinda Olenslager said...

I love that you all do this together. Family is important. There are a few crafts I would love to try.

Unknown said...

I love that you've made blogging and crafting a family activity. It looks like you girls have a ton of fun together!

Jamie O. said...

I love that you aren't afraid to make mistakes in your crafting. Everyone has to start somewhere and for newbies like me seeing something that isn't perfect is refreshing.

Starlene @ GAPS Diet Journey said...

Okay, I'm jealous. I have two sons and they never really got into crafts all that much. You and your daughters have created some beautiful things, thank you for sharing with us!

mammamilk said...

I'm not so crafty but I loved reading about your family and how you all are in this blog together - that's great! I have five kids and love when they are all working together for a common good! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

It's so nice that you are doing the blog (and the crafting) as a family! I'm not very crafty myself but I love to blog (in my case, about books). Nice to meet you!

Eschelle Westwood Mumfection said...

those magazine cones are GREAT you can use them to add to Halloween by painting them completely black or at christmas. glitter makes everything awesome too, like the black with orange sparkles lol!

Nikki said...

I think it's awesome that you all blog and create as a family. It seems like you each have a different aspect of the talent to bring to the table. I wish I was more crafty, I love the idea of crafts, I'm just not very good at them.

Erin O'Riordan said...

OmG, that little Harry Potter finger puppet is so cute!

Glenda said...

Hello it is so nice to meet you all, I Love the design of your blog and the crafts you make. I will be back to visit soon.

BrettBMartin said...

i'm dying at the HP puppet too. its the cutest thing EVER. Ever, i say!! i'm hooked!

i <3 crafts.

Warrior MAMA said...

I love how you all post on the same site! That really does take the pressure off and still give you readers lots of new posts to read.

What a fun adventure!


Mrs. Accountability said...

You have some really neat crafts on your site here. How neat that you and your girls can spend this time together, you and they will remember it forever. I don't have a lot of time for crafts nowadays but try to get some crocheting done at least a few days a week.

Julie Baswell said...

I love crafting. Will have to follow your site. Feel free to visit my craft site

Unknown said...

I love that you all are willing to share your mistakes with your readers. Easy2Save

Corinne Rodrigues said...

What a delightful name for a blog. I'm beginning to think a family that blogs together stays together ;) Creativity such as yours is always something I marvel at!

Anonymous said...

OMG, my mum would have loved it if we had turned out crafty, I'm afraid that my sister and myself got more into music instead. My mum would have totally loved having a crafting blog with us. I bet you all have fun, it seems like it!

Emily said...

I love it! It looks like you have a lot of fun together. I want my family with 3 girls to have that much fun together when they are older too! :)

Amanda said...

I'm the very opposite of "crafty", but I think it's awesome that all of you are and that you are doing this blog together!

Anonymous said...

"...we are fa-mily"...for some reason, i thought of that when i saw this post - VERY sweet!! :D

Anjanette said...

Nice to "meet" you! :) I love that you are able to bond together as a family around this hobby! I hope to have this with my kids someday, too!

Shannon said...

I'm not crafty...but I have aspirations of being that way! Check us out at

Heather said...

love these crafty ideas! wish I was a bit more talented in this area myself!!

Favorite Little Princess said...

what a great way to spend time together!

Unknown said...

How cool to start a blog with your mom and sisters!

I love your philosophy about the crafting process itself-- not everything is going to turn out perfect. Usually nothing of mine comes out looking like what I had planned on but many times I like my version even better!

Anonymous said...

Pleasure to meet you :)

Suzy Myers said...

Hi! I'm a huge fan of craftiness, as my own blog will attest. I love your style and will keep up with your posts!

Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Nice to meet all of you. We love to craft and sew at our house I will have to check back often. Thanks
Shelly @ frugal family home said...

The pictures are really great, and it seems as though you guys are having a lot of fun and that is what really matters. Thanks for posting

Angie said...

What a great way to stay connected as a family!

life...just saying said...

That's so cool to have a blog with your sisters and mom, doing something you all enjoy.

Busy Mom on the Go said...

I love both the crafting aspect and the family aspect of your story. And I especially like the spelling of "Jaime's" name. My name is spelled the same way and you don't often see that. Brenda and I are 2 out of 4 daughters in our family and we're crafty too, so it seems like we have a lot in common. I am following on GFC, Twitter and FB!!

Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

How cool to blog with your sisters and mom! Your crafts look wonderful.

Katie said...

your crafts look great. I've always wanted to be crafty but it just doesn't work for me.

Unknown said...

Love all the great crafty ideas!

Wendy said...

I just love that y'all do this site sisters and a mom. That's fantastic.

And y'all have some wonderful craft ideas too!

Around My Family Table

Unknown said...

Y'all have some great crafty ideas. I am no longer the crafter I used to be.

Home Jobs by MOM said...

That's so great your blog is done with family! I'd love to do that but I don't have any sisters :(

Anonymous said...

I love that you blog as a family! You have a beautiful and talented family :)

Becca said...

I think that's so cool that you all do this together. I'm sure it brings some great moments. :)

Carrie said...

You have beautiful creations; thank you for sharing them and your story! Also very cool that you do this as a family!

Yannie said...

I know how hard to maintain a craft blog. you are lucky to have each other to update and share great projects you have.

Stephanie said...

What a great thing for all of you to be involved in. It looks like there are a lot of crafts on here. Keep it up. Glad to have been able to stop by and take a look.

SalemMomma said...

How fun doing this together! I wish my sisters would do something like this with me, but sadly no.

Maura said...

How fun to have your family involved. I'm dreaming of someday my daughter will want me to join a venture like this with her. :)

Dianna said...

Really enjoyed reading about the Wayward Girls. Will definitely be back. My daughter has started blogging with me on my blog and it is quite exciting.

LaVonne said...

I think it is so great that you can create things together and do this blog as well. I love that carseat cover. Thanks for sharing about you!

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